Reflections & Research:
January 24, 2023
People in the pews: Who’s missing, who’s hiding, who’s comfortable on the couch?
Pastors mourn the faces they no longer see and figure out how to serve those they’ve yet to meet in person.
read moreabout People in the pews: Who’s missing, who’s hiding, who’s comfortable on the couch?January 24, 2023
Bivocational ministry can’t become an excuse to underpay our ministers
Bivocational ministry might become more common in the future, but we can’t let that trend include exploitation and financial insecurity, says an author.
read moreabout Bivocational ministry can’t become an excuse to underpay our ministersDecember 13, 2022
Antidotes to compassion fatigue
A group of researchers found that feeling God’s presence was key to pastors’ avoiding exhaustion in the pandemic.
read moreabout Antidotes to compassion fatigueDecember 13, 2022
Addressing a history of enslavement is key to reparations
A pastor and a sociologist write about the process that a congregation went through to understand and address the enslavers enshrined in their windows.
read moreabout Addressing a history of enslavement is key to reparations