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Evangelical Covenant Church

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Project Name: Develop Leaders/Thriving in Ministry

Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC), a rapidly growing multiethnic denomination, seeks a five-year grant to support its Shaping, Strengthening and Sustaining Resiliency program, an effort to strengthen the leadership practices of pastors at different stages of their careers.  The program will begin by identifying outstanding pastors with 15 or more years of experience in ministry to form a “sustaining resiliency” cohort and become mentors for pastors who are in earlier stages of their careers.  The mentor-pastors will work with two cohorts of pastors; the first cohort will comprise midcareer pastors with six to 15 years of experience, and the second cohort will include pastors with five or fewer years of ministry.  The pastoral cohorts and their mentors will gather regularly for face-to-face retreats and maintain ongoing connections using online communication.  To sustain the program, ECC will share costs with its regional conferences and launch fundraising efforts to solicit contributions from donors.

Location: Chicago, Illinois
Institution Type: Denomination
Denominational Tradition: Lutheran
Contact Information
Contact: Lance L. Davis