The St. Paul Area Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America seeks a five-year grant for its From the Center Outward program. This endeavor seeks to provide mentoring for three specific groups of pastors: 1) early career pastors with four to ten years of ministry experience; 2) senior pastors of large congregations; and 3) clergy of color. Pastors will form peer cohorts, and each pastor will participate in an inaugural retreat, receive spiritual direction, meet regularly with mentors and create a leadership development program for his or her congregation. The program aims to connect, resource and encourage bolder leadership where weariness, isolation and self limitation may be especially likely to take root. To sustain this effort, the synod will incorporate elements of the program into its operating budget and include this program in a comprehensive capital campaign set to launch in the coming year.
From the Center Outward
Saint Paul, Minnesota