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Christian Reformed Church in North America

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Project Name: Thriving Together

The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) seeks a five-year grant for partial support of its Thriving Together program, an effort to create a stronger, more vital culture of clergy mentoring across the CRCNA denomination that helps pastors negotiate key transitional challenges in their careers. The program will focus on pastors when their sense of vocation might be challenged or disrupted; in particular when pastors move from their first to their second congregational call, when they are nearing the end of their ministry careers, and when they are privately wrestling with their vocational future. Through regular gatherings of pastors, the development of leadership resources, the use of ministry assessment tools, and the fostering of mentoring relationships among clergy, the program seeks to foster peer relationships that promote mutuality and accountability among clergy. To sustain this program, the CRCNA will work closely with its regional assemblies and seek financial support from the denomination’s fund to support the professional development of clergy.

Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Institution Type: Denomination
Denominational Tradition: Other
Contact Information
Contact: Rev. Zach Olson