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Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ

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Project Name: Thriving Pastors in Revitalizing Congregations

The Illinois Conference UCC is an exciting spirit-filled community of 241 churches spread out across the top 2/3 of Illinois from the bustle of Chicago to the stretching farmlands of central Illinois, rural, suburban and urban with every expression of human diversity possible. Our Conference mission is to equip pastors and lay people to grow as Christ’s disciples and serve the pressing needs of the world around us. This grant application program, Thriving Pastors in Revitalizing Congregations (TPIRC), dovetails in a timely manner with our current mission revisioning, our desire to offer leadership resources, and our need to focus our Conference on the task of serving pastors and churches. TPIRC will offer up to 45 pastors best practices of faithful leadership with a trained Clergy Coach and facilitated CCOP support-learning groups. We believe it is far more effective to involve key lay leaders from the pastor’s church than to offer resources only to the pastor. Consequently, our program offers annual Learning Summit Events for clergy and lay leadership as well as follow-up Cohort gatherings of 5-7 pastors and lay leaders to strategize the application of best practices. These cohorts will build partnerships and community among pastors and churches. This program comes at the right time to benefit the Illinois Conference and to grow into a continued ministry for years to come.

Location: Westchester, Illinois
Institution Type: Denomination
Denominational Tradition: United Church of Christ/Congregationalists
Contact Information
Contact: Melody Seaton