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Texas Methodist Foundation

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Project Name: Courageous Leadership Imperative

Texas Methodist Foundation (TMF) seeks a five-year grant for partial funding to launch its Courageous Leadership Imperative (CLI) project, an effort to equip pastors to address adaptive challenges and authentically exercise courageous leadership in their ministries. The CLI will simultaneously run two tracks of cohorts with 15 pastors each through an intensive three-year program; one track will focus on midcareer clergy and the second one will be composed of clergy who are innovators and leading nontraditional congregation-based faith communities. The two cohorts will connect as well. CLI will give participants opportunities for reading, writing and conversation with worship, spiritual reflection, peer group conversations, plenary content and active learning engagement. To sustain this project, TMF will establish a permanent endowment to provide resources for high potential clergy and lay leaders as well as broaden and deepen its donor base to identify, cultivate and solicit new major and planned gift prospects.

Location: Austin, Texas
Institution Type: Other Religious agency
Denominational Tradition: Methodist
Contact Information
Contact: Lisa Greenwood