The Southern New England Conference seeks a five-year grant for the Together We Thrive: Nurturing Pastoral Leadership program. Working in partnership with the Connecticut and Rhode Island UCC conferences, the Western Diocese of the Episcopal Church in Massachusetts and the New England Synod ELCA, Lutheran, the program will offer a variety of opportunities for pastors to build relationships with peers and strengthen their leadership practices, including: 1) facilitated clergy cohorts to hone the practices of ministry; 2) clergy affinity groups to provide opportunities for intentional relationship building between clergy for mutual support and accountability; and 3) clergy coach training opportunities for seasoned clergy to work with new pastors. An annual colloquy will draw all the clergy groups together to reflect on challenges of pastoral ministry. The development specialist within the conference will oversee the fundraising to solicit donations from individuals, partner churches as well as additional grant sources to sustain this program.
Together We Thrive: Nurturing Pastoral Leadership
Framingham, Massachusetts
Other Religious agency
Associate Pastors
Church planters
Clergy couples
Early Career
Intentional Interim pastors
Late Career
Lay ecclesial ministers/Lay pastoral leaders (non-ordained)
LGBTQ+ persons
Millenials in ministry
Multi-cultural contexts
Multi-lingual context
Senior Pastors
Heather Ramsey Mabroukh